Special techniques that can be a portion of chiropractic treatment plans

November 8, 2012

Graston Technique ®, Scar Tissue, IASTM and you…

I am providing Graston Technique ® soft tissue mobilization and myofascial release to  patients almost every day, with substantial results. It’s gotten some rave reviews, and […]
September 20, 2012

Tape me in NE Portland after a Car Accident? (Kinesiotape)

Kinesiotape is a specialized type of  physical therapy tape that helps pump the lymphatic system, encouraging healing, and provide selective support for healing.  It was invented […]
August 24, 2008

What’s that Tape on her shoulder? Kinesiotape?

Ok, so some of you or all of you saw Beijing Olympics US Beach Volleyball player Kerri Walsh’s shoulder and wondered what that mass of black […]
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