A Back in Balance
Massage Therapy Services
Massage Therapy by Licensed Massage Therapists
Massage Therapy and Chiropractic
Referrals are available.
Contact the Front Desk and ask for “Massage Services”
(503) 280-9759

Massage Therapy is a part of almost all our Clinical treatments, and Spa Massage can be scheduled separately.
What Is Massage Therapy?
Massage therapy is the manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) to enhance a person’s health and well-being. While there are dozens of types of massage therapy methods (also called modalities), two fundamental categories are:
Rehabilitative massage – also known as “deep tissue”, medical, therapeutic or clinical massage; practiced in many settings like clinics, hospitals and chiropractic offices
Relaxation massage – also known as Swedish massage; practiced in settings like spas, wellness centers and resorts.
Clinical/Therapeutic Massage (CTM) is a physical therapy (physiotherapy) rehabilitation technique, and Spa Massage is a relaxation and wellness technique.
At Blue Heron Chiropractic, we feature both categories of massage work. Dr. Sibilla feels strongly about integrating massage into the work, because he was a Licensed Massage Therapist before he was a chiropractor. When calling the clinic, ask for “Massage Services”, or let the front desk help you decide what might be best for you.
Massage Therapy is Safe and Effective
A lot of research on the effects of massage therapy has been carried out and is continuing today. While there is some conflicting evidence about applying massage to all conditions, the overall report from clients and patients that Massage Therapy is a valuable addition to a life charged with Vitality. There is scientific evidence that massage may help with back pain and muscle spasm, and may improve quality of life for people with depression, cancer, and even chronic conditions like HIV/AIDS.
Massage is safe, and there appear to be few risks if massage is requested and applied appropriately and provided by a trained massage professional. Doing the right thing for the right reasons is always a good idea.
Types of Massage Utilization
The type of “massage therapy” given usually depends on your needs and physical condition. People seek massage therapy for a variety of reasons – to reduce stress and anxiety, relax muscles, rehabilitate injuries, reduce pain, and promote overall health and wellness. People utilize massage at different levels. An occasional Spa massage leaves you feeling relaxed, but scheduling regular Spa massage can also do so much more. If you are on a treatment plan for Therapeutic, Clinical Massage, your therapist will discuss a schedule with you and may even follow a referral from your doctor, be that a Chiropractor, MD, Osteopath, or Naturopath.
Requesting Massage
Typically, a specific type of massage therapist will provide Clinical/Therapeutic Massage or Medical Massage. There may be a different level of intentionality, education, and chart noting involved with CTM as opposed to Spa Massage. Massage referred to as “Soft Tissue Massage” is often Therapeutic/Clinical massage or Medical massage. Spa Massage is often referred to as Relaxation massage, and can go on any schedule requested by the client. “Medical Massage” is not limited to Medical Doctors or the physician or PT realm, it is simply Clinical/Therapeutic Massage (CTM) very clearly defined. “Bodywork”, being less clearly defined, can include massage, myofascial release, Craniosacral, or even Reiki. It’s simple enough, however, to ask for either “Clinical Massage” or “Spa Massage”, or just tell our staff what you are needing. We will help you find what will work for you.
Clients and Patients
People obtaining chiropractic or medical massage therapy (CTM) from Massage Therapists are often already known as “patients”. Patients bring along with them a specific diagnosis that is the target of the Massage Therapist’s work on referral from a doctor-level provider. Often, a doctor is co-signing the chart notes for such “cases” and the patient is covered under that clinic’s policies and insurance. Spa massage customers are “Clients” and while they are a bit more “casual”, they are equally important. Spa massage patients can be seen independently of a doctor’s (either chiropractic or medical) prescription. People who rely upon Spa Massage regularly in order to remain functional – and who feel impaired if they do not – should also be occasionally evaluated by a physician level provider who can make good suggestions.
Massage Therapists are Healthcare Professionals.
In Oregon, providers are referred to as “Licensed Massage Therapists” (or LMTs) and go through an education featuring Anatomy and Physiology. This two year program is often extended with Continuing Education, and teaches them the art and skills required to provide the services. LMTs must intiially pass a State licensing exam and sometimes become Nationally certified. Other certifications and training can be added later. At Blue Heron Chiropractic, all of our Chiropractic Assistants are Licensed Massage Therapists all of our dedicated LMTs working with the Doctor Sibilla are licensed in the State of Oregon and are highly trained providers, up to date on their Continuing Education. Blue Heron Chiropractic has also been a recognized training facility for Chiropractic Assistant programs utilized by many Massage Therapists in the community.
To schedule a Massage at Blue Heron Chiropractic, Blue Heron Clinic, or A Back in Balance Chiropractic & Massage center, call the clinic and ask for “Massage Services”, or click here.