August 6, 2010

My Back Snaps/Clunks/Pops When I…

Patients ask me about their backs popping… all the time. This can require a complicated answer. The first step would be to understand why a back […]
June 13, 2009

You May Have A Screw Loose

Biochemical Injuries Occasionally I am asked to explain biomechanical injuries to people, especially when they are recurrent (come back).  The question is, did they go away […]
December 24, 2008

Keeping Things Cool: Ice Therapy

Cool the Pain Cool therapies are not always comfortable but they can greatly aid the healing process and help you get better quicker. That being said, […]
August 18, 2008

My neck crunches, grinds and crackles when I move…

When you turn your head, you hear it, like Rice Crispies. Crunches, ginds and crackles. This is officially known as “crepitus”. Is it painful? If it […]
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