Health plan problems? Most Americans do nothing about it.
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Chiropractor’s “Physician” Status Solidified

I bet you didn’t know about this. During the recent insurance “goings-on”, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Employees Plan (FEP), in January quietly changed their designation of doctors of chiropractic from “physicians” to “other health care providers”. Subtle, huh? Not a big deal?

This happens to be the world’s largest health plan, and this change would have a serious impact on whether Doctors of Chiropractic would be allowed to provide the physician-level services they have been educated and licensed to perform. Since this is one of the plans identified as a model for Barack Obama and Congress’ national health reform, this could even influence whether chiropractic care would later be restricted or completely excluded in a national health care plan using the FEP as a model.

After months of intensive negotiations between the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) and Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA), doctors of chiropractic are once again designated as “physicians” in the BCBSA Federal Employee Plan (FEP). The 2010 FEP benefits brochure confirms the change.

This action is a landmark development in the history of the chiropractic profession, and assures our chiropractic doctors their rightful role as physicians in the national health care system. Thanks to those of you who helped by writing to their representatives using Chirovoice.Org .

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