Clinic Re-Opens to Include Non-Urgent Patients May 1!
April 30, 2020
Losing Group Health Insurance During the COVID-19 Outbreak
May 20, 2020Chiropractic Care in the time of Coronavirus
The Covid-19 Pandemic has raised much concern and anxiety around The World. We hope this open letter finds you well.
While the clinic was closed for only Urgent-Care cases during March and April, we re-opened May 1 for daily pain, rehabilitative care and other non-urgent cases. We understand that there is much concern about the Coronavirus. At this point in time, we believe that with adequate precautions, such as face masks, hand washing, and maintaining 6 feet of interpersonal separation – as recommended by the CDC and the Multnomah County Health Department – that people can move about in public to essential appointments. Chiropractic is considered an essential service within the State of Oregon.
We realize that different people are responding with different amounts of concern about contracting this virus. Some are moving about and others are not. At Blue Heron, we take this Coronavirus very seriously.
In the clinic, we are all wearing masks, using special virucidal sanitizing procedures between every patient, and testing body temperatures at the door using an infrared forehead scanner upon arrival. Everyone is washing hands before and after the sessions, and we sterilize all surfaces between visits. We removed all but two of our waiting room chairs 8 feet apart, and maintaining 6 feet of separation for any prolonged time periods. Folks that are coughing or with any respiratory distress are not being scheduled; we are even testing blood gas oximetry. We scan our own temperatures three times a day.
We even have gone above and beyond to add another safeguard throughout the clinic that we will tell you about when you schedule. While it is not a front line element – and certainly not a secret weapon – it is a solid secondary and we think you might be impressed. Maybe you will even feel more confident.
If you are concerned about moving around outside in public, we completely understand this and will discuss options with you, which might include a Telehealth (Video) session. At the same time, if you feel comfortable enough, it would be an honor and a privilege to resume treating you in the clinic.
If you would like to schedule, please give us a call and make a session request. On the phone, we are now using Google Voice, which acts like an internet-enable answering machine. Alternatively, you can Click here, or hit the orange “Request an Appointment” button a the top bar of this page. We will still need to call you and ask you a few more screening questions.
Please let us know one way or the other how you are doing.
All the best,
Dana Sibilla
Dana William Sibilla, DC DABCO FIANM
Doctor of Chiropractic – Chiropractic Orthopedist
Blue Heron Chiropractic
1934 NE Broadway
Portland, OR 97232
(503) 280-9759