Virtual Supplement Dispensary
July 8, 2010
Climbing the Mountain – Backwards?
July 27, 2010
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Keep your chin tucked on Ellipticals

Many of my patients are spending a lot of time on elliptical trainers and such, and I wanted to point out that a very common posture on these things is “Chin thrust forward”.  This can be a part of an overall postural breakdown, even while you are trying to improve yourself! This is made worse when someone is straining to exert themselves, and so I thought I would mention a correction.  Instead of jutting the chin forward, tuck it in, and then shift your head straight back.  The let go of the tuck, and your head will balance at eye level.  Go ahead, try it right now. Try it next time you are on an elliptical trainer. This creates a more erect posture to the neck that is better anatomically. Don’t strain, but try to get your body to memorize it. For more on this, see here; and if you aren’t doing a cardiovascular workout yet, consider one! If you would like to talk about Elliptical trainers, we can go over that as well. Let’s talk about it in the clinic at your next treatment. Schedule that here. 

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