Graston Technique ®, Scar Tissue, IASTM and you…
November 8, 2012Quiropractico en Espanol
A PT Ball (PT Therapy Ball or sometines called a Yoga Ball or Stability Ball) is a large inflatable ball, sometimes 55-65 cm in diameter (bigger than a beachball) that you can perform exercises on or sit on for biomechanical purposes. The use for these awesomely fun pieces of therapeutic furniture include rehabilitation after a car accident or work injury or even recovery from daily back pain. They are also useful for strengthening the core. PT Therapy Ball crunches and jumping jacks are particularly effective for late stage recovery rehab.
PT Balls are cheap, fast and popular. There is a minimum amount of training required and no pricey health club membership needed. Even if you are recovering from a major or minor strain or sprain, or a massive whiplash, we can get you to this level – even if you have degenerative arthritis issues (we just go a little smoother and steadier). Same with headache cases – but you can still perform. If you have a documented disc compression, we can certainly use that PT ball – we may modify the Jumping Jacks a bit. I put Kinesiotape on a patient yesterday and sent them home following an adjustment and Graston technique, with these exercises – perfect! Anyway, I did mine this morning, HOW ABOUT YOU?
Our Mission at Blue Heron Chiropractic is to help engineer your highest level of recovery and also to optimize your function. Exercise is an important part of all of our treatment plans. Exercise plans that are engaging and fun are the key to these higher level recoveries. When there is a physical therapy ball in the room, your inclination is to do something with it. As a Chiropractor treating patients on NE Broadway in Portland for two decades, I fnd that these PT Therapy Balls provide incentive to actually perform the task. And in the meantime, you can actually use it as a piece of furniture.
By the way, when selecting one, look for one that is “Burst Proof”. We have a selection of these in the clinic. Set up an appointment to talk to me now.